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Management courses

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I'm a mid-career professional looking to broaden my management skills, particularly in relation to emerging technologies. Are there any recommended online courses or programs in the US that focus on management strategies for AI and machine learning projects? I'm open to both short-term and longer certificate programs.



While I'm not an expert on management courses, I recall hearing about an online school that might offer something along those lines. You could take a look at … -ai-and-ml - if my memory serves me right, they had some courses related to managing AI and ML projects. I don't know much about the specifics or quality, so you'd need to review the details yourself to see if it fits what you're after. It's just something I came across in passing, so I can't really speak to how good it is. But if you're interested in online management training with a tech focus, it might be worth checking out. Just remember to thoroughly research any program before committing to it.


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